Coffee Girl by Sophie Sinclair

Monday 11 May 2020

Release date: November 12th, 2019
Series: Coffee Book #1
Pages: 356
Genre: Romance

Mackenzie “Kiki” Forbes finds herself in a pickle.

Either become her snarky sister’s nanny, or move halfway across the country to work as assistant-to-the-stylist of a country music star. Neither job sounds ideal, although bedazzling cowboy boots may be a hell of a lot more interesting than ironing her brother-in-law’s underwear. But life on the road as the errand coffee girl for a sold-out tour leaves much to be desired. That is, until Kiki meets her sinfully sexy new boss’s boss…

Tatum Reed’s career is flying high. He’s up for country music’s Entertainer of the Year and he’s headed out on a nationwide sold-out tour. So why does he feel like it’s all about to implode? His superstar ex-girlfriend seems determined to make his life difficult, his opening act is a handful, and the new girl on his tour, the feisty brunette, is quickly getting under his skin. In this crazy world of showbusiness Tatum needs to learn who he can trust, but that doesn’t come easily, because the one person who holds all the cards may just throw them down and walk away.

Life in the public eye is never all it’s cracked up to be, which has both Kiki and Tatum questioning what they’re really doing with their careers, and their hearts.


Yawn. This was a boring read for me, unfortunately. 

I stopped reading this book at 35 %. I couldn't get into it. I just couldn't. The story itself wasn't so bad per se, but the writing bothered me a lot and I couldn't get past that.

I am saddened, but I tried really hard to like it. It looked so promised when I read the synopsis and I was excited to read it after seeing all those good reviews. 

But, dang. The characters were annoying - every single one of them. They were boring and it felt like the author was trying too much to make them at least a little bit interesting, but it didn't work. The conversations in this book are screaming b-o-r-e-d-o-m

I couldn't complete this book, sadly. I just couldn't bring myself to because it kept dragging on and the beginning felt dragging on for forever before the main characters actually met. 

Overall, I wasn't feeling this book and just kept cringing, unfortunately.

*I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review. 

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