The Change Up by Meghan Quinn

Tuesday 16 June 2020

Release date: June 11th, 2020
Series: / standalone
Pages: 416
Genre: romance

BREAKING NEWS: The Bad Boy of Baseball, Maddox Paige, is totally and utterly whipped.

Okay, that might not be the headlines in the newspaper this morning, but it's the reality of my current situation.

It all started a month ago when I received a call from my best friend, Kinsley. She got a new job in Chicago and needed a place to stay. I've known the girl since I was five, what harm would it be to have her stay at my place for a while?

Ha! Total disaster.

Now instead of going out every night with my teammates, I'm couch surfing and sketching endless photos of my best friend . . . but that's the least of my concerns.

The disaster, you ask? I'm rapidly falling head over cleats in love with my best friend, my roommate, and my number one fan.

And she has no idea . . .


This book was cute as hell! This gives the "opposites attract" a whole new meaning. 

When Kinsley "Kinny" moves into her best friend's apartment, she brings chaos into Maddox's life. Literally.

Kinsley is everything Maddox isn't. She loves animals, she's very outgoing and friendly, she's messy and all over the place and she's obsessed with recycling and saving the planet while Maddox is the one more collected, he's obsessed with privacy and he loves his place clean at all times. 

The vibe in this book is something I haven't read before and I absolutely loved it. It was refreshing and different and I loved that Kinny made a positive impact on Maddox's life, not only his personality, but literally everything. She changed him for the better completely. 

Maddox was this bad boy that was used to his routine and living alone, safe in his perfectly organised world. But when Kinny comes into his life, she throws him completely off balance. Maddox struggles because he's not used to things she brings into his life and he also struggles with his growing feelings towards her because he's scared to mess things up with his best friend. 

Honestly, I loved the way Maddox's character was written. He had this bad-boy, manwhore thing going about him, but he was also a major sweetheart and he never went over the line. 

And Kinny was a strong-headed and kind-hearted person who had no filter and she's just the kind of person you can talk to about literally anything without it sounding weird. This is what made this book so fun to read; Kinny and Maddox had the most random (and hottest!) conversation at all times in the day without feeling weird about it.

The attraction between Kinsley and Maddox was insanely hot. Honestly, everything about this book was insanely good. I just couldn't put it down.

When I was in high school I occasionally read books but was consumed by other teenage things so I didn't take the time to appreciate a good book on a cloudy day, wrapped up in a blanket on the couch. It wasn't until I received a Kindle for Christmas one year that my world completely flipped upside down. When looking for books I came across the Contemporary Romance genre and was sold and I haven't turned back since.

You can either find my head buried in my Kindle, listening to inspiring heart ripping music or typing away on the computer twisting and turning the lives of my characters while driving my readers crazy with anticipation.

​I currently reside in beautiful Colorado Springs where the sun is always shining and there is a trail waiting to be hiked on every corner. I share a lovely and warm home with the love of my life and my five, four-legged children.

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