Orange Hues and Midnight Blues by Urvisha Vinit

Tuesday 18 August 2020

Release date: May 23rd, 2020
Pages: 94
Genre: Poetry

Orange Hues and Midnight Blues is a debut collection of poetry. It tries to draw the emotions of those happy orange hues of hope, dreams, love, and peace. The one you would feel looking at a lovely sun kissed sky and wonder about the beauty of life.

And as you stare at it, the sun vanishes and the blues take over, taking you to the times when the heart fills up with a feeling of self-doubt, soul feels lost and the fear of what tomorrow holds creeps in. The midnight blues get darker with thoughts about the past and dreams that couldn't be.

But amidst these hues and blues, there is an essence of life, the feeling of being and rejoicing in every moment.

A huge thank you to the author for sending me the book to review it.

I have to say I quite enjoy reading this book. I took some time to really dive deep into it because I'm a person who loves enjoying a good poetry book here and there. 

The poems are simple; about life and heartbreak. The words hold a lot of depth in them. It is, however, an easy read and easy to understand, which I loved the most. Simple, yet deep!

I liked the writing style and all the rhymes. It flowed easily and I could connect to the poems. I feel like every person would find a piece of themselves in these words because most of us have experienced what is described in this book.

Simply lovely!

I've saved a few of the lines I loved the most, just to give you an insight into what this is about. 

A piece of my heart shall always be yours,
How can I un-love the one who was my world?
If it was love, it shall always be love.❞ 
(A Piece of My Heart, page 34)

Love can never be unloved,
Love can never hate

Because if it was love,
It shall always be love.
(Love shall always be Love, page 46)

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