Crew by Tijan

Tuesday 1 September 2020

Release date: August 26th, 2018
Series: Crew #1
Pages: 372
Genre: Young adult

To survive where I live, you have two options.

You can be a Normal--a cheerleader, jock, member of the debate team, or on the yearbook committee. You pretend everything is normal.

Or you can be crew.
You insult us? We hurt you.
You hurt us? We really hurt you.
And if you screw with us, we will end you.

My name is Bren.
I'm the only female in the Wolf Crew--the best, fiercest, and most dangerous crew there is--and we have a rule: There's no falling in love.

Well... too late.

I DNF-ed this book at 35 % because it just wasn't what I expected and it didn't interest me.

Honestly, I still keep giving Tijan's books chance since reading Bennet Mafia (my first book from her) and absolutely loving it, but I'm finding out that all the other books from her just don't do it for me. 

I don't have much to say about this book other than it was boring and uninteresting.

With this story, I didn't know what was going on half of the time. I felt absolutely no chemistry between Bren and Cross and I wouldn't even know they're supposed to end up together if I didn't read the reviews. 

I mostly skimmed through the book after 20 % because I felt like this was just some "wanna-be badass" story. I couldn't connect with the characters and this whole crew thing was putting me off, especially when it felt like everything was revolving around it. 

So, yeah. This book is, unfortunately, a miss for me. Maybe one of these days I'll just give up this author for good because she clearly doesn't do it for me. 

Except for Bennet Mafia. That book still has a special place in my heart and I 100 % recommend that one!

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