Save Us by Mona Kasten

Wednesday 20 May 2020

Release date: August 31st, 2018
Series: Maxton Hall #3
Pages: 384
Genre: Romance (new adult)

Sie kommen aus unterschiedlichen Welten.
Und doch sind sie füreinander bestimmt.

Ruby und James dachten, dass sie alle Hindernisse überwunden hätten. Doch James‘ Verpflichtungen gegenüber seiner Familie drohen ihr Glück schon bald aufs Neue zu zerstören. Sind die Welten, in denen sie leben, doch zu verschieden?

Das große Finale der mitreißenden Liebesgeschichte von Ruby und James!

*This book is only available in German

Read the review
Read the review

I'm generously giving this book three stars, even though it took me a long time to read this one. I loved the first book, but I don't feel the same way about this one.

This book wasn't bad, but I felt like the story was just dragging on and it got messy and boring. 

Ruby and James's relationship was still going strong in this one, they learned to get through difficult times together and were there for each other. I still loved Ruby, loved how organised and strong she was at all times. She was still very goal-oriented and she didn't give up easily.

James finally grew a pair and stood up to his father. He finally stopped giving him power over his life and I've waited for three books for him to do that. 

The thing that bothered me the most was the multiple POVs in this book. I got easily confused because so many different characters were telling their own stories that I wasn't even interested in or they weren't that important for the story and it felt like this was done just to fill the pages.

This story just wasn't what I really expected or wanted. It wasn't all that bad, but it wasn't that great, either.

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