The Summer of '98 by Tay Marley (ARC)

Wednesday 24 June 2020

Release date: July 21st, 2020
Series: / standalone
Pages: 368
Genre: Young adult

Before Drayton and Dallas, there was Ellie and Leroy . . .

With the prequel to her smash hit The QB Bad Boy and Me, rising star Tay Marley returns to tell the story of Drayton’s parents and the summer that changed everything . . .

Sometimes home isn’t a place, it’s a person. From the moment their eyes met, Ellie knew he would be her destiny. Handsome and ripped, there’s just something about Leroy Lehay, Baylor University’s soon-to-be star quarterback, that makes him impossible to resist.

Consumed by a passion neither one of them can quite understand, Leroy and Ellie spend the summer together. Left senseless and overwhelmed by his touch, Ellie experiences a world of desire she could never have imagined.

Safe in Leroy’s arms, Ellie begins to see a life beyond high school: going to college, starting her own business, having a family. But when life-altering news shakes them to their cores, Leroy and Ellie must discover if their passion is enough to help them get through what might possibly be the greatest challenge of their lives.

I DNFed this book at 45 % because, even though I pushed myself to finish it, I just couldn't because I wasn't feeling it.

I have a soft spot for Wattpad books because I use it, too; as a reader and a writer and whenever I see someone getting published from that site, I'm happy for them and I try extra hard to enjoy the books (yet it hasn't happened yet, unfortunately).

I couldn't connect with this book. I didn't really like the characters and it wasn't what I expected, nor wanted. 

The story is happening in 1998. Ellie goes to a party one night where she meets Leroy and, even though being a virgin, she sleeps with thin. This is at the very beginning and that's one of the things that bothered me, but I went on. The story continues with Ellie having to go away, but Leroy and her keep in touch all that time.

Ellie moved to Leroy's house with his brother and his parents in the summer. I thought their story would pick up then, but I was disappointed because nothing really happened and it got really boring really quick.

Leroy's brother, Noah, started playing a big part in the story and it felt like everything revolved around him. Noah did stupid things so Leroy always had to save him. He also hated Ellie being there with them.

And then it came to the night when Noah should spend an evening at his on and off girlfriend (not really girlfriend, more like a friend he hung out with regularly, but slept with others, too), but he didn't go there. Instead, he went somewhere else where he slept with a 15 year old. A 15 year old! 

And then I said enough is enough and I closed my kindle. 

I couldn't feel any chemistry between Leroy and Ellie, therefore, their story wasn't interesting to me and basically the same things were happening all the time and it was just nothing new or nothing worth to be excited about. 

I tried, I really did because I wanted to stop reading it way before 45 %, but I just couldn't finish it, unfortunately. And you know, ARC or not, I'll always give a 100 % honest review. 

Author of the most read book on wattpad in 2018, The QB Bad Boy and Me, now available in all leading book stores.

The prequel to The QB Bad Boy and Me, The Summer of '98 will be on shelves July 21st 2020! Pre order it from Amazon, Book Depository and your local book stores.

Tay Marley wears many hats: bibliophile, entrepreneur, wife, mother, and featured Wattpad author. Her whirlwind journey on Wattpad began in 2017 and led to one hundred thousand dedicated followers, a five-part series, and three stand-alone books, including her breakout story, The QB Bad Boy and Me, which have amassed over forty-one million reads. She resides in New Zealand with her husband. When she isn’t writing about confident women and their love interests, she’s teaching her three small children how to be the leads in their own epic tales.

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